As per usual, yesterday The Sun took it's rightful place as the village drunk and blindly criticised everything to do with England's set up. And are they not right? Those good for nothings (who were probably behind the recession) were beaten by a better team when they should transend skill, pace and superior tactics. It's a good thing The Sun didn't run with a front page the morning of the game proclaiming England's brave lions would win. That would be stupider then then having an ex-England manager sing about dreams coming true and adding another star above the England crest before a ball has even been kicked. Or maybe they did. Just maybe.
This isn't exactly a ground breaking opinion, but surely it's time to wake up and realise England are a bit shit? There are some players who I'm sure are good, 1 or 2 of them may be a bit better then good but the sun has well and truely set on the 'Golden Generation' and as a team they have been shocking. Everything from pass completion to covering each other when on the defence was severely lacking. England, as I see it have 2 options; Move on and re-evaluate the way they play, or wait for everyone else to adopt a way of playing that suits them. One of those is a stupid idea.
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